Scrap book of the Vickers Vimy arriving at Northfield – Thomas W Farmer

Photographs were taken by: Mr J.C. Farmer of Naracoorte. Private collection.
Donated by: Thomas W Farmer
The following photographs are stuck onto a piece of paper with the following handwritten text.
The Vickers-Vimy Rolls-Royce Flight.
England to Australia.
Left Houndslow November 12 1919.
Arrived Darwin December 10 1919.
Arrived Adelaide March 23 1920.
Left Melb 7.15am – arrived Adel over Victoria Square 1.55pm.
Reception at Parliament House soon after arrival.
Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith, W.O. Bennett, Sgr. Shiers.
Particulars of Plane
weight of machine appr 6 tons.
Distance between wings 10 feet.
Span of wings 67ft 2in.
Length of fusilage 42′ 8″.
Two engines 360H.P. ea.
Cruising speed 90 miles per hour.